Wonderful World - Courage and Kindness, Aqua - by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics
We live in a crazy world, don't we? The troubles of the world around us are overwhelming. If we let ourselves, it's easy to lose hope. But when we look closely, when we look at what is immediately around us, we see love. When we look at what we each can DO, we see a wonderful world. We see inclusion. We see hope. We see helping hands, friendship, bridges being built and borderless relationships. We see wonder and beauty. But how?
I wanted to create a fabric line that expresses what we all want more of. We all want to see the good. We all want to make this world a better place. But how do we start? How can we teach our children? It starts small, and it begins with love. One of my favorite messages is one from Mother Teresa: "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." What a Wonderful World we all live in when each day we choose to love each other. This is my mantra and my hope as we each do our part to make a better world.
This print is Courage and Kindness in Aqua and features children in hot air balloons with positive messages like "Be Kind' and "Courage" on an aqua background.
Collection: Wonderful World
Designer: Sarah Jane
Manufacturer: Michael Miller Fabrics